Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunrise Flight to Bacolod

15 august 2010

it has been sometime since i booked an early morning flight from manila to bacolod. i missed watching the sun rise as the plane zoomed through the one-hour flight. so this year, for my mother's birthday, i booked the first flight out and was rewarded with this view of the sunrise. truly, God is showing His majesty this early morning and only a few people actually saw Him.

we arrived about twenty minutes earlier than the expected time of arrival showing on my ticket. we should, since the pilot left manila at least twenty minutes earlier as well. i was ready to take a short nap at the departure area but was abruptly roused when the paging system blared out my flight number for boarding.

there were very few people on the flight. there was an empty seat between me and the woman who sat on the aisle seat. i specified at check-in that i wanted a window seat, preferably A, since this would give me a view of the sunrise.

every few minutes or so, i would take a picture of the sunrise to the east until we were almost to bacolod.

it was already day bright when we landed at the bacolod-silay airport. i texted carmela, my college friend, who offered to fetch me at the airport. she replied that she needed about five minutes to get to the airport.

while waiting for her, i took some pics of the airport premises.

here's how it looked when the arrivals first came out.

here's the same area twenty minutes later.

carmela texted again that it may take her longer to pick me up as she needed to wait for one of her aunts first. while i waited for her, i took some more pictures of the airport.

finally, after about half an hour, my ride arrived.

here's carmela, still looking as young as ever.

we went to this meat stall at lopue's mandalagan to buy pork for dinuguan for their lunch fare before she took me home.

i spied some bacolod chorizo in the freezer, freshly-made, and ordered a dozen. it ended up on the frying pan a few minutes later. hmmmm, bacolod chorizo for breakfast is the best!!!



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